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Single Tooth Implants

Implants have a high success rate among the many possible restorative methods available to restore a lost tooth. Dental implants are straightforward, effective, and durable.

Single tooth implants are the most common single tooth replacement option. A titanium screw is inserted into the jaw bone to serve as the ‘root’ of the prosthetic tooth in the case of a single tooth implant. On top of this is a replacement tooth. This crown will be placed onto the titanium screw at least 3 months after the day of surgery. This is to allow time for the implant to integrate into the bone before we can load it with a tooth.

Because this method is not dependent on neighbouring teeth, it does not jeopardize the structural integrity of any other tooth. A single dental implant, like a natural tooth, is completely self-contained.

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Benefits Of A Single Tooth Implant

Natural Look
Easy to Maintain & Clean
Preserves the Bone & Health of Neighbouring Teeth
Cavity Resistant
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If you believe you would benefit from a dental implant, call Hutt Dental Implant Centre today to book a consultation